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Criminal Defense Attorney Pocatello Idaho

Criminal charges can have a devastating impact on your life. They can affect your career, ability to obtain professional licenses, housing options, and more. If you’ve been charged with a crime, it’s important to speak to a criminal defense attorney Pocatello Idaho as soon as possible. They can help you navigate the complex legal process and ensure that your rights are protected.

Criminal lawyers handle a wide variety of cases. They can assist their clients with pretrial proceedings, plea bargaining, trials, appeals, and post-conviction matters. They can also represent their clients in immigration matters, such as deportation proceedings.

When choosing a criminal lawyer, it’s important to find one who has experience with the type of case you are facing. They should be familiar with the judges and prosecutors in your area and have a good understanding of local laws. Additionally, they should be able to communicate effectively and work well with you. It’s also a good idea to ask about their fees, as some charge a flat fee while others bill hourly.

Richard Browning is an experienced attorney who has helped many people get the compensation they deserve. His law firm offers free consultations and no-obligation quotes. He has more than 40 years of legal expertise and is determined to defend the rights of his clients. Whether you need help with personal injury or criminal defense, Browning Law can provide the representation you need.

If you’ve been charged with a felony or misdemeanor, a criminal defense attorney can help protect your legal rights and minimize the damage to your life. They can help you avoid a prison sentence and prevent convictions that could impact your future employment, educational opportunities, and family relationships. They can also help you secure a bond and gain access to rehabilitation programs, therapy, and counseling.

Felony convictions can have serious consequences, including incarceration, heavy fines, and court costs. They can also interfere with your job prospects, limit your eligibility for certain scholarships, and lead to a suspension of your driver’s license. In some instances, they may even require you to forfeit your firearms or other assets. If you’re not a US citizen, a felony conviction may also have immigration consequences.

A reputable criminal lawyer will work hard to keep you out of jail and clear your name. They will make sure that prosecutors don’t take advantage of you by forcing you to accept a bad plea deal. They will also make sure that you don’t waive your right to a trial by signing a plea without receiving legal advice first. You can find a qualified criminal attorney by using the Justia Lawyer Directory, which includes profiles of more than 1 million lawyers licensed to practice in the United States and contains information like education, training, and disciplinary history. You can also search for an attorney by name or practice area. The results include client recommendations and a detailed biography. You can even read reviews written by past clients.

Investment Fraud Lawyers For GWG Holdings

Investment fraud lawyers for GWG Holdings are investigating claims from investors who lost substantial sums of money in the company’s L bonds. These bonds were backed by life insurance policies and sold through a number of different broker-dealers. Many of these brokers failed to perform proper due diligence and accurately disclose the risks associated with these investments. Investors may be entitled to recover their losses from the brokerage firm that sold them the bonds.

If you have questions about an investment you made with a GWG Holdings L Bond, contact the investment fraud attorneys at Silver Law Group today to discuss your potential recovery options. The firm is also investigating claims against the broker-dealers who encouraged their clients to purchase these high-risk securities. Broker-dealers must follow federal laws that require them to ensure that their customers understand an investment, that they conduct sufficient due diligence, and that all material risks are disclosed before recommending it. Failure to do so may lead to claims for breach of fiduciary duty and other damages.

A common method of investment fraud involves companies that create complex financial products with the intention of generating large returns for their investors. These products may be advertised as safe, low risk investments, and many people are pushed to invest their hard earned savings by fast-talking salespeople who appear to have good credentials. Some of these products are so complicated that even the brokers who sell them do not fully understand how they work. Others are easier to understand but their viability and the accompanying risks are misrepresented or downplayed.

The GWG Holdings bankruptcy in 2022 left L Bond investors with an illiquid investment and significant losses. The company was unable to maintain cash flow from its operations and faced serious credit problems from its debt obligations, a reverse merger transaction with Beneficient Group and the evaluation of fair value on life insurance policies. In addition, GWG Holdings had a complicated corporate structure that allowed its principals to “invest” their own personal business ventures without disclosing these investments to investors.

When investing, always be cautious of any investment that offers guarantees, especially if the investment is unregistered. All investments involve some degree of risk, but when an investment promises a high rate of return over the course of a year or more, it should raise red flags. Also, be wary of any investment that requires a large initial deposit or has an excessively long lock-up period.

If you have any questions about an investment you made with GWG, contact the experienced investment fraud attorneys at Silver Law Group. Our team is available to review your case and provide a free consultation. We represent clients in FINRA arbitrations and securities litigation throughout the country. In most cases, we can resolve your claim more quickly and efficiently than a lawsuit and with less expense to you. We handle a wide range of investment fraud matters, including EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program fraud, hedge fund fraud, private equity fraud, junk bond fraud, oil and gas investment fraud, promissory note fraud, preferred shares of stock fraud, and ponzi schemes fraud.

Holding Healthcare Providers Accountable in Victorville

In a community as vibrant and diverse as Victorville, the accountability of healthcare providers stands as a paramount concern. The quality of healthcare services profoundly impacts the well-being of individuals and the overall community. Let’s delve into the imperative of Holding Healthcare Providers Accountable in Victorville, ensuring optimal care delivery for all residents.

The Importance of Accountability in Healthcare

Accountability in healthcare is not merely a concept; it’s a fundamental principle that ensures transparency, integrity, and patient safety. In Victorville, where the population relies on healthcare services for their physical and mental well-being, accountability becomes indispensable.

Ensuring Patient Safety

The cornerstone of healthcare accountability lies in ensuring patient safety. When healthcare providers are held accountable, it cultivates an environment where patient safety is prioritized above all else. From accurate diagnoses to appropriate treatments, accountability fosters trust between patients and healthcare professionals.

Transparency in Healthcare Practices

Transparency serves as a bridge between healthcare providers and the community they serve. In Victorville, transparency in healthcare practices empowers patients to make informed decisions about their health. Whether it’s disclosing treatment options, potential risks, or financial considerations, transparency breeds confidence and fosters a culture of collaboration in healthcare delivery.

Addressing Medical Errors

Despite stringent protocols and advanced technology, medical errors can still occur. Holding healthcare providers accountable means addressing medical errors promptly and transparently. In Victorville, a proactive approach to acknowledging and rectifying errors not only prevents future incidents but also demonstrates a commitment to patient-centric care.

Advocating for Patient Rights

Accountability goes hand in hand with advocating for patient rights. In Victorville, healthcare providers must uphold the rights of every patient, including the right to dignity, privacy, and access to quality care. By championing patient rights, healthcare providers not only fulfill their ethical obligations but also contribute to building a healthier and more equitable community.

Empowering Patients Through Education

Empowering patients with knowledge is a cornerstone of accountable healthcare practices. In Victorville, initiatives aimed at educating patients about their health conditions, treatment options, and preventive measures are instrumental in fostering proactive healthcare behaviors. Through accessible resources and clear communication, patients become partners in their healthcare journey, driving better health outcomes for themselves and their families.


Holding healthcare providers accountable in Victorville is not just a responsibility; it’s a commitment to the well-being of the entire community. By prioritizing patient safety, embracing transparency, addressing medical errors, advocating for patient rights, and empowering patients through education, Victorville can elevate its healthcare standards and ensure that every resident receives the care and respect they deserve. Together, let’s build a healthier and more accountable healthcare system for Victorville and beyond.

Boca Raton Personal Injury Legal Expert

Boca Raton is a large city that has seen its population rise over the past few decades. More people on the roads, at retail establishments, and in need of medical services means more chances for accidents to occur. These accidents can lead to costly damages, such as extensive medical bills and lost wages. An experienced Boca Raton personal injury legal expert can help you recover these costs and more.

The Boca Raton law firm Glotzer & Kobren PA has more than two decades of experience representing clients in personal injury cases. The firm handles car accidents, boating accidents, brain injuries, and medical malpractice claims in the Palm Beach County area. Clients benefit from the team’s deep knowledge of Florida laws and courtroom strategies.

Founded in 2003, the firm’s attorneys have more than two decades of combined legal experience. They represent injured clients in personal injury cases such as automobile accidents, slip and fall incidents, wrongful death, medical malpractice, and defective products. The law office serves clients in the Boca Raton metro area and throughout the state of Florida.

If you or a loved one have suffered an injury due to the negligence of another, it is important that you contact a personal injury attorney in Personal injury legal expert in Boca Raton right away. An injury can affect your daily life, your career, and your family’s well-being. A lawyer can ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve for your physical, mental, and emotional suffering.

A skilled Boca Raton accident lawyer will gather evidence to prove that a person or entity was negligent and caused your personal injury. This can include expert testimony, such as an accident reconstruction expert who can provide a detailed analysis of the accident and aid in establishing liability. In addition, a Boca Raton accident lawyer will collect documents that support your claim, such as police reports and witness statements.

An experienced Boca Raton accident attorney can determine the total cost of your injuries and will build a strong case to win maximum compensation from the at-fault party. Depending on the severity of your injury, you may be entitled to receive compensatory damages that include the following:

Other types of damages you can receive from a personal injury lawsuit in Boca Raton include loss of consortium, which refers to damage to a spouse’s relationship, and punitive damages, which are awarded for extreme or gross negligence. In some cases, your lawyer can also recover restitution for the value of your property and future earnings. In addition, you can also receive restitution for your pain and suffering. You can seek compensation for these damages after your doctor has determined the long-term impacts of your injury.

Jail Abuse Attorneys

Whether you or a loved one is in jail or prison awaiting trial or serving a sentence, they still have their constitutional rights. Jail abuse is all too common, with prisoners subjected to violence, insufficient food and water, poor sanitation, psychological distress, and even sexual abuse. The most important thing you can do to protect your safety is to report any abuse that occurs to the proper authorities.

The first step is to document any injuries or abuse that you experience in prison or jail. This can include making a written request for medical care and filing a grievance if your needs aren’t met. Make sure to follow the rules and deadlines for your facility’s grievance process, which can be found in the inmate handbook.

You should also keep track of any interactions with corrections staff, including officers and other inmates. This includes logging any conversations that you have with them and writing down what they say to you. Lastly, make sure to file a formal grievance if an officer has violated your civil rights.

An experienced New York City jail abuse attorneys will carefully review your case to determine if the corrections facility has violated your constitutional rights. If they have, your lawyer will help you seek compensation for your losses through a civil lawsuit. This can include compensatory and punitive damages to pay for your medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and emotional distress.

A good jail abuse lawyer will work to get the maximum amount of compensation for you or your loved one. These damages will vary based on the type and severity of your injuries. If your loved one has died as a result of prison neglect or abuse, you may be entitled to wrongful death damages.

Your lawyer will also help you pursue any criminal charges against the abuser. The prosecutor’s office or local police department may have victim advocates who can connect you to resources, keep you informed as the abuser moves through the criminal justice system, and offer emotional support.

A skilled prison abuse attorney will also be able to help you file for a restraining order against the abusive individual. Depending on where the person is currently being held, this may involve arranging for court paperwork to be served within the jail or prison. In some cases, this will mean an official working at the facility must serve the paper with an affidavit to show that it was served.

Another way that your NYC jail abuse attorney can help is to keep tabs on the abuser once he or she is released from jail or prison. This can be especially crucial if the abuser is due to be released on probation or parole. Having a detailed understanding of your local jail and parole policies will allow your lawyer to ensure that your abuser is not able to obtain a gun or other weapons. In addition, your attorney can help you file a petition for release from supervision if the state parole board decides to release the abuser early.

How a Bronx Speeding Ticket Lawyer Can Help You Fight Your Ticket

A traffic violation is a serious offense that can affect a driver’s record, lead to expensive fines, mandatory community service or classes and even license suspension. A Bronx traffic ticket lawyer may be able to help you fight your ticket or get it reduced or dismissed. A good attorney will know how to negotiate with the prosecutor and judge for you, resulting in lower penalties or in some cases, total dismissal of your case.

The first step in fighting a Speeding Ticket Lawyer Bronx speeding ticket is to meet with your attorney to discuss the specific charges listed on your citation. The lawyer will review the details of your case and any supporting documentation you provide. They will look for any errors on the citation or in the police officer’s report such as an incorrect date, time or place of the incident. They will also examine any issues with the traffic stop itself such as whether the officer was using a calibrated radar gun or made procedural errors that could have invalidated your case.

In New York, everyone has the right to request a hearing to contest their ticket. This can be done in person, online or through the mail, but an in-person hearing has a better chance of impacting the outcome of the case. At a hearing, the officer who issued the ticket must appear in person to testify and be cross-examined by both the driver and their attorney. A good Bronx traffic ticket lawyer will work to prepare their client’s written or in-person statement and accompany them to the hearing.

A Bronx speeding ticket lawyer can help you get your charge reduced or even dismissed. They have the knowledge and expertise to navigate the intricacies of the legal system in the city of Bronx, as well as any local laws that apply. They can help you fight your case to ensure that your record stays clean and avoid future issues with your insurance company or other governmental agencies.

Having a spotless driving record is important to many people, especially those who drive as a part of their job. A ticket for a speeding violation can result in heavy fines, increased insurance premiums or even license suspension. A good traffic lawyer can help you fight your ticket to keep it off your record and prevent further issues in the future.

It is possible to receive court supervision on two moving violations in a 12-month period, but pleading guilty to a third one will cause your license to be suspended. You should contact a traffic violations lawyer as soon as possible to avoid these negative consequences. James Medows is a well-known and respected criminal lawyer that has handled numerous traffic cases. He is renowned for his knowledge of the law and passion for helping his clients. He is committed to defending his clients, no matter the complexity of their case. Contact him today for a free consultation. The sooner you start fighting your speeding ticket, the more likely it is that you can keep it off your record and save money.

What Does a Credit Report Attorney Do?

A credit report attorney is a lawyer who practices consumer protection law focused on helping consumers handle and fix errors in their credit reports. Many times, these credit report errors can be serious and can prevent consumers from obtaining housing, employment, car loans, insurance coverage, and even benefit programs. Typically, these attorneys are well versed in federal laws like the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), as well as state laws specific to their jurisdictions.

Whether due to identity theft or mistakes in personal information, inaccurate information reported on your credit can have lasting impacts on your financial history. Using their skills and expertise, credit report attorneys work tirelessly to identify and correct these errors, safeguarding your credit health and protecting your future financial opportunities.

The first step a credit attorney takes is to carefully review your case, including all documents related to the dispute, and assess whether there are any errors that can be corrected immediately. If not, they will help you file a formal dispute with the credit bureaus and communicate with creditors to work out a resolution that best benefits your situation. Often, this includes getting negative items removed from your report, updating accounts, and negotiating settlements with debts you may be owed.

If the credit reporting agency does not resolve your dispute within 30 days or deems it frivolous, your credit attorney will file a lawsuit in federal court to protect your rights under the FCRA. In some cases, this may also involve pursuing compensation for any damages that you have suffered as a result of the errors in your report.

Disputing credit report errors is a complex process that involves gathering evidence, communicating with the credit bureaus, and negotiating with creditors. A reputable credit report attorney has the experience and expertise to handle these tasks efficiently, saving you time and money. They can also ensure that your dispute is handled with precision, ensuring that the most accurate and up-to-date information is used to update your credit file.

While the credit bureaus are supposed to investigate your complaint and take steps to correct it, this does not always happen. This is why having a knowledgeable credit attorney on your side can make all the difference in the outcome of your case.

Credit report lawyers are prepared to take your case all the way, if necessary. This may include filing a lawsuit against the credit reporting agencies or creditors who fail to comply with the FCRA or state laws. In some cases, this may also include seeking monetary compensation for any damage that you have sustained as a result of the errors in your credit report.

If you are struggling with errors in your credit report, contact a reputable New York credit attorney today to discuss your options and receive a free evaluation of your case. The initial consultation is free, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by working with an experienced credit lawyer.

Medical Negligence Lawyers in California, USA: Advocates for Justice and Patient Rights


In the diverse and expansive state of California, individuals facing the aftermath of medical negligence rely on the expertise and dedication of specialized attorneys to navigate the complexities of seeking justice. Medical negligence, commonly known as medical malpractice, occurs when healthcare providers fail to uphold the standard of care expected in their profession, resulting in harm to patients. For those affected, the role of Medical Negligence Lawyers California, USA is crucial in pursuing compensation and holding responsible parties accountable.

Understanding Medical Negligence

Medical negligence encompasses a wide range of situations where healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, surgeons, and other providers, deviate from accepted standards of care, leading to avoidable injuries, worsened conditions, or other adverse outcomes for patients. Examples include misdiagnosis, surgical errors, medication mistakes, birth injuries, and failure to obtain informed consent.

The Role of Medical Negligence Lawyers

Medical negligence lawyers in California specialize in representing individuals and families who have suffered harm due to healthcare provider negligence. Their primary responsibilities include:

  1. Case Evaluation: Conducting thorough evaluations of potential cases to determine if there is evidence of negligence and the viability of pursuing legal action.
  2. Gathering Evidence: Collecting medical records, consulting with expert witnesses, and analyzing the circumstances to build a compelling case that demonstrates the healthcare provider’s breach of duty and its direct connection to the harm suffered.
  3. Legal Advocacy: Advocating on behalf of their clients in negotiations with insurance companies or litigation in court to secure fair compensation for damages such as medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other related costs.
  4. Navigating Complexities: Navigating the intricate legal and medical landscapes of California’s malpractice laws, procedural rules, and healthcare practices to effectively represent their clients’ interests.

Choosing the Right Representation

Selecting the right medical negligence lawyer in California is crucial for achieving a favorable outcome in a malpractice case. Considerations include:

  • Experience: Look for attorneys with extensive experience and a successful track record in handling medical negligence cases.
  • Expertise: Choose lawyers who specialize specifically in medical malpractice law and possess deep knowledge of healthcare standards and practices.
  • Reputation: Seek out attorneys with a reputation for professionalism, integrity, and effective advocacy on behalf of their clients.

Community Impact and Advocacy

Medical negligence lawyers in California not only seek justice on behalf of their clients but also contribute to broader advocacy efforts aimed at improving patient safety, holding healthcare providers accountable, and promoting reforms that enhance the quality of healthcare delivery statewide.


In California, medical negligence lawyers serve as vital advocates for individuals and families navigating the aftermath of medical errors. Through their expertise, dedication, and commitment to justice, these attorneys empower clients to seek compensation, accountability, and closure in the face of challenging circumstances. If you or a loved one has been affected by medical negligence in California, consulting with a reputable and experienced medical negligence lawyer is essential for understanding your legal options and pursuing the compensation you deserve.


WA Med Mal Lawyers

Medical professionals are tasked with ensuring the health and safety of their patients. When they fail to do this, they can be held liable for injuries that result. These kinds of claims are called medical malpractice, and they are one of the leading causes of accidental death in the United States.

The skilled WA Med Mal Lawyers at Peterson Wampold Rosato Feldman Luna have the experience, knowledge and resources to assist victims of these cases. They can help you determine whether a particular incident qualifies as malpractice and file a lawsuit on your behalf. In addition, they can help you recover compensation for your losses and damages.

A skilled attorney can ensure that you receive the full amount of damages you are entitled to. This can include both economic and non-economic damages. These are things such as your medical expenses, lost income, and pain and suffering.

In addition to proving the standard of care was breached, a medical malpractice attorney must prove that the negligence directly caused injury. This can be done by establishing a series of facts including the patient’s condition before and after the medical incident, the type of care the victim received from the doctor or other healthcare professional, the treatment plan for that condition and its effectiveness.

As with all claims, there are specific deadlines for filing a medical malpractice claim in Washington. The statute of limitations is usually three years from the time of injury or discovery of malpractice. However, this rule can be modified under certain circumstances. For example, if a minor was injured by medical malpractice, the statute of limitations may be extended until the child reaches adulthood.

Despite the best efforts of doctors and nurses, medical errors can still occur. These mistakes can cause severe injuries and even wrongful death. A skilled medical malpractice attorney can help you get the compensation you deserve.

Medical malpractice can happen at many different facilities including private hospitals, government-run military hospitals, on-base clinics, and more. These cases can be complex because the potential defendants are so varied. A seasoned medical malpractice lawyer will help you investigate all potential liable parties, including your healthcare provider and their insurance company.

You can find a qualified lawyer through the National Trial Law network. This group of lawyers provides representation to clients throughout the country, including in Washington. You can also look for a local lawyer through your state’s bar association. If you suspect you are a victim of medical malpractice, contact a Seattle area lawyer today to discuss your case.

When you visit a hospital, doctor’s office, or other healthcare facility, you expect to receive safe and competent care. Sadly, this is not always the case. Injuries and wrongful deaths can result from the negligence of healthcare providers, such as a misdiagnosis, botched surgery, medication error, nursing home abuse, and more. A skilled lawyer can help you hold these individuals accountable for their actions. They can also negotiate with the involved insurers on your behalf to obtain maximum compensation for your losses and damages.

“Moseley Collins Law
701 5th Ave Suite 4200, Seattle, WA 98104
(800) 426-5546”

Exploring Investment Horizons: A Guide to GPB Capital’s Diverse Investment Options

GPB Capital investment options include alternative investments that offer investors greater peace of mind and a more reliable source of income. GPB Capital, an alternative asset management firm based in New York, is the subject of multiple civil investigations and allegations of financial misconduct, which has led many investors to seek safer and more dependable investment alternatives.

Investors who have GPB Capital investment options could be entitled to recover their lost money. The firm has reportedly suffered losses of up to 73%, and it has suspended redemptions from its investors. In addition, the SEC has filed a civil fraud complaint against the company.

Brokerage firms that sold GPB Capital private placements also may be liable for claims by aggrieved investors. These firms had a duty to adhere to suitability and due diligence rules when selling these alternative investment products to retail investors. If you were sold these private placements and experienced substantial losses, then you should consult an attorney about your potential claim for compensation.

According to the SEC, GPB Capital operates a $1.8 billion Ponzi scheme that defrauded wealthy investors by promising them significant returns from their investments in private partnerships with the company. Instead of generating these returns from business revenues, the company paid them out with the investments of other investors. The company’s operations are now in receivership, which is a process by which the court assigns a liquidator to manage the business.

The Securities and Exchange Commission has filed several enforcement actions against the company, including a civil fraud complaint that alleges that the company misled investors by paying investors’ dividends from the investments of other, new investors rather than from business revenue. The company is also accused of failing to disclose the nature of these private partnerships, failing to provide audited financial statements and not registering two of its funds with the SEC.

In addition, GPB Capital allegedly misappropriated investor funds to pay its own executives, to invest in other companies, and to finance marketing expenses. These practices violated federal and state securities laws.

If you were sold GPB Capital private placements, then you should consult an attorney about your rights. Investors who were sold these private placements by their financial advisor or brokerage firm have legal options, including filing FINRA arbitration claims against their advisers.

Investors should be aware that, buried deep in the contracts of most alternative investments is a mandatory arbitration clause. These clauses require arbitration to settle disputes between the investment adviser and the investor. Investors who wish to pursue a claim against their financial advisor for recommending unsuitable GPB Capital private placements should contact Stoltmann Law Offices, P.C. for a no-cost consultation with a lawyer who specializes in securities litigation. The firm represents investors in FINRA arbitration claims against their advisors and the brokerage firms with which they were registered. Contact us today to schedule your no-obligation consultation. We are available to help you get your money back.

A FCRA Consumer Attorney Can Help Consumers to Dispute Credit Report Errors

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) outlines the types of data that can be collected by credit bureaus, what is permissible to be included in a consumer’s credit report, and how long that information can remain in the file. If a consumer believes that any of this information is inaccurate, they have the right to request that it be removed from their report by contacting the credit reporting agency and the creditor who provided the information. If that request is denied or ignored by the CRA or creditor, and if there are sufficient facts to support it, a consumer can sue them for damages.

FCRA violations can lead to financial harm such as lost income or higher interest rates on loans and mortgages. They can also cause emotional distress and anxiety for consumers. The law provides for compensation for both of these. If a CRA or creditor is found to have violated the fcra lawyers, they can be required to pay the consumer’s attorney fees as well.

An experienced fcra consumer attorney will work with consumers to dispute inaccurate information on their credit reports. They will help them to determine whether a CRA, creditor or information furnisher acted in violation of the law and can provide guidance on how to file a lawsuit. In addition, they can help consumers to calculate their losses and pursue the correct amount of compensation that is due them.

There are many reasons a person’s credit report may contain errors. These can include deceased indicators mistakenly placed on a person’s credit report, tax lien or judgments that have been paid or expunged charges that are incorrectly reported as still being active. Other issues may be that a person’s name is misspelled, they have an old address on their record, or that a criminal charge that was dismissed or sealed appears on the background report.

It is important for consumers to file disputes with both the CRA and the information provider. This ensures that all of the relevant information is reviewed and corrected. If the CRA and the information provider fail to respond or if they fail to remove inaccurate information within the statutory timeframes, consumers can sue for damages.

Consumers who win a lawsuit against a company that violates the FCRA can be awarded actual damages, statutory damages set by statute and punitive damages for willful misconduct. Additionally, the law allows for the recovery of attorney’s fees by a winning consumer. This helps those who would otherwise not be able to afford an attorney to fight for their rights.

Teske Katz represents consumers who have had their FCRA rights violated on a class action basis. In addition, he represents creditors, asset buyers and debt collectors in FDCPA, TCPA, and FCRA litigation throughout the country. He also conducts CFPB readiness assessments for the collection industry. He is a frequent speaker at conferences and seminars on topics related to the collection of debt and enforcement of consumer protection laws.

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