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A Chicago Trademark Lawyer Can Help You Protect Your Trademarks

Trademarks are a valuable asset for any business, serving as the unique identifier that consumers associate with specific goods and services. However, trademarks are often the target of infringement and must be protected aggressively. A Chicago trademark lawyer can help you register and defend your trademarks. The attorneys at Roth Fioretti have extensive experience in intellectual property law and can assist you with a variety of trademark matters, including registration, enforcement, licensing, and litigation.

Trademark infringement occurs when another party uses your registered trademark in association with products or services that are confusingly similar to yours. This can cause confusion as to the source of the goods or services, which in turn damages your reputation and potentially drives away customers. A Chicago trademark attorney can help you identify and protect your trademarks by conducting a thorough search to ensure that no other parties have already used the mark for the same or similar goods or services.

A skilled trademark lawyer can also help you negotiate and draft license agreements in exchange for the use of your trademarks in conjunction with other products or services. These agreements set forth the terms of the license, such as the products and territory for which you are licensed to use the mark, any restrictions on the mark’s use, royalties to be paid to the trademark owner, and any other provisions necessary for a successful transaction.

Even if you have not registered your trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), you may still enjoy some protection under Illinois state law or common law. However, your Chicago trademark lawyer will conduct a comprehensive search before filing any application to ensure that you are not risking your rights by using the mark for unrelated goods or services.

The lawyers at Gerben Law are focused on providing clients with top-shelf legal services at a fraction of the cost of larger firms. They have extensive experience with trademark litigation, including prosecuting and defending trademark infringement actions in federal court and before the USPTO’s Trademark Trial and Appeal Board.

As the world becomes more global and competitive, your brand will likely be exposed to a greater number of foreign competitors. A knowledgeable Chicago trademark lawyer can help you understand the international trademark laws that apply to your business and guide you through the process of registering your marks in foreign jurisdictions.

Assisting clients with all aspects of trademark law, from preparing and filing an initial application to pursuing a registration or renewing it. Performing a thorough trademark search and negotiating with the USPTO’s examiners to secure the strongest possible registration is critical. Additionally, a competent Chicago trademark attorney can help you monitor your marks and take quick action to enforce them against infringers. If you are in need of a Chicago trademark lawyer, contact Gerben Law today to schedule a free consultation.

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